The chit-chatTM stroller meets the demands of young parents that are always on the go.
Changes in shop opening hours has led to convenience shopping. People are more likely to do their shopping on demand. This means they make many trips to shop for food and groceries.
Working parents make frequent multi-purpose trips with their children eg. dropping off the kids at the carers while they are on their way to work.
Heavy and cumbersome prams and strollers were not meeting their needs.
A stroller that is ultra-portable and easy to use could meet the important needs we uncovered.
People were not happy with the portable strollers in the market. The products in the market usually were the cheapest and nastiest strollers you could buy. There was little differentiation between the cheap and name brand products.
These were the needs that we set out to meet with the chit-chatTM.
Larktale got onboard with our research and our vision and the rest is history, and a successful one at that.
The launch of Larktale's flagship stroller
Laktale Design Award - The secret behind the design